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Procedure Information

Learn more about procedures performed by Dr Haifer


A Gastroscopy is a test procedure done using an endoscope, which is a long, thin, flexible tube with a ‘video camera’ at the tip. This tube is passed through the mouth into the oesophagus (food pipe), stomach and first part of the small intestine. It allows the doctor to inspect these areas and perform other procedures, such as biopsies.


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Capsule Endoscopy

A capsule endoscopy AKA PillCam or wireless endoscopy, is used to pinpoint bleeding in hidden areas in the small bowel that cannot be reached with gastroscopy or colonoscopy.


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A colonoscopy is the examination of the lower gastrointestinal tract to diagnose, and in some cases, treat problems. This procedure involves passing a colonoscope – a long, thin flexible tube with a ‘video camera’ at the tip – through the rectum into the colon (large intestine, large bowel). It allows the doctor to inspect the colon and to perform specialised procedures such as taking biopsies for pathology and removal of polyps


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Intestinal Ultrasound

Intestinal or bowel ultrasound is a new, non-invasive way to assess and monitor bowel inflammation in diseases such as Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis. It is similar to other ultrasounds you may have had on your liver or gallbladder and does not need any fasting or preparation. 


Dr Haifer has accreditation under the International Bowel Ultrasound Group (IBUS) and Gastroenterology Network of Intestinal Ultrasound (GENIUS) to perform and teach bowel ultrasound


Faecal Microbiota Transplantation (FMT)

FMT is the process of transferring the healthy microbiome from a donor through their stool to a patient in order to treat a disease.


At present, Dr Haifer only offers this for C.difficile infection or as part of a clinical trial. 


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